Why Alcohol is for Children

Why Alcohol is for Children Drinking alcohol is childish. It’s a bold claim, perhaps but true too. Because only children behave in a way which gives no thought to the future. Children do not have the capacity to think in the long term. They do what they feel like in the present moment, and can’t …

Human Design and Solfeggio Frequencies

Nurse says ‘NO!’ to Blackmail! Be inspired by Corrie Bignell. She is a Canadian nurse who said ‘no’ to blackmail and ‘yes’ to Nicaragua. In this video meet Corrie Bignell and be inspired by a single mother’s heroic journey from dedicated (workaholic!) nurse in the Canadian medical establishment to a freedom loving self-empowerment coach living …

NURSE says ‘NO!’ To Blackmail

Nurse says ‘NO!’ to Blackmail! Be inspired by Corrie Bignell. She is a Canadian nurse who said ‘no’ to blackmail and ‘yes’ to Nicaragua. In this video meet Corrie Bignell and be inspired by a single mother’s heroic journey from dedicated (workaholic!) nurse in the Canadian medical establishment to a freedom loving self-empowerment coach living …

10 Minute Breath Work With Theta Waves

10 Minute Breath Work With Theta Waves Enjoy 10 minutes of breath work with this special 5-5-5-5 guided version of box breathing. The verbal prompts allow you to close your eyes and and still keep your place precisely, during the ten minutes of one minute for each of The Ten Healing Frequencies. Box breathing is …

Your NEXT success starts HERE!

Your NEXT success starts here! Where is your next success coming from? I bet you already know the answer. You. And since success is very much synonymous with confidence, a good and helpful question to ask yourself today might be… “What am I doing to boost my confidence?” To call in that success. When you …

5 Things You Can Do To Improve The Way People Talk To You

5 Things You Can Do To Improve The Way People Talk To You Do you wish people would show you some more respect, sometimes? Speak a bit nicer to you? Kinder? Stop with all the subtle put downs and derogatory asides? What if I told you how other people talk to you is a reflection …

Is weight loss all in the mind?

Is weight loss all in the mind? Is weight loss all in the mind? Louise thinks so! Louise Hay was a self-help pioneer, who overcame a challenging early life of abuse and hardship. She became an influential author, speaker, and founder of Hay House, a publishing company dedicated to personal growth and self-help. Louise’s most …

How Healing Frequencies led to Healing Foods

How Healing Frequencies led to Healing Foods My healing experience from listening to 432Hz, and binaural affirmation meditations featuring 432Hz, lead me to meditate more, relax more and be open to deeper healing. One of the changes inspired by my healing frequency work was changing my diet; and this, I believed, helped too, in greatly …

This Frequency Cured My Tinnitus

This Frequency Cured My Tinnitus Do you ever suffer from tinnitus? That ANNOYING, high-pitched ringing in your ears you may have noticed temporarily, like after a loud concert—or you might have constantly. What if a specific healing frequency could cure your tinnitus? It turns out using frequencies to distract the mind is a recognised ‘sound …

Listening To This Cured My Psoriasis

Listening To This Cured My Psoriasis It still makes me emotional. Looking at photos from when psoriasis was a big issue in my life.  The first time I knew there was anything ‘wrong’ with my skin I was a young actor filming my first big TV commercial when the director yelled out in front of …