Empower your mind for good!

Welcome to Grant Empowerment

Hi! I'm Ben Grant Mitchell and you're in the right place.

Especially if you're ready to empower your life, at a subconscious level, to call in your absolute best now.

Because you are infinitely creative and all that's holding you back from experiencing your dream life is subconscious thinking patterns at odds with your conscious wishes.

And your dream life can be yours simply by listening to custom coaching audios with healing frequencies to reset your subconscious for success.

28 days to your new life!

Private coaching with Ben

For high achievers ready to achieve more.

For empowered souls ready to power up!

For next level living men and women ready to level up!

Find your fortune frequency

Be Empowered Now with Healing Frequency BAMs!

Attract money, get better sleep, boost your confidence and clarity, and feel more self-esteem with this members only library of guided healing frequency meditations.

Experience your best life by transforming your subconscious beliefs with regular listening to a NEW B.A.M. (binaural affirmation meditation) each month.

Delivered online and listenable through the membership portal. PLUS download 20+ high quality mp3s as soon as you join.

Lose weight and tone up

Your summer body the subconscious way!

Your body is a reflection of your choices.

And your choices are a reflection of your beliefs about yourself.

And your beliefs about yourself are created by the thoughts you habitually have about yourself.

This 28-day program transforms those thoughts at a deep subconscious level, using healing frequencies and custom coaching audio. Listen once a day and be transformed. Feel your perfect body now.

Be all you can with your P.A.T.H.

Your personalised subconscious re-programming audio...

"Wow, I’m in awe…..I’m absolutely thrilled with my recording! I cannot thank you enough, it was even better than I thought it was going to be. I love your calming voice, the music is perfect and the affirmations are so heartfelt. Listening to your own name really makes the recording so much more personal, and I find that the words/phrases ingrain so much better. I’m so happy that you made this for me. I really do thank you from the bottom of my heart."

P.A.T.H. Client

Join The Fortune Frequency Forum TODAY!

Find your fortune with healing frequencies

Break through limiting beliefs and habitual disempowering thoughts to new levels of success and happiness with this fortune frequency coaching which has helped countless clients to:

âś… Attract money (one client 100K + another 50K after listening to my audio programs!)

âś… Lose weight + feel more self-esteem

âś… Cure headaches, sore throats, sinus congestion, arthritic pain + more

âś… Find and feel more LOVE

âś… Ease anxiety + grow calm, confidence and joy!

Join The Fortune Frequency Forum TODAY!

Find your fortune with healing frequencies

A simple and powerful program to transform disempowering wealth unworthiness into an empowered feeling of deserving total abundance NOW!

âś… 30min Mp3 + video

âś… 10 Exercises inspired by leading wealth manifesting gurus

âś… Binaural Affirmation Meditation with binaural beats proven to enhance adoption of empowering new beliefs

âś… + MORE...


Do you want to lose weight?

I did. Even though I never really thought of myself as fat. But, you know, life. And nothing worked for me until I started listening to the kind of subconscious re-programming audio which now works wonders for my clients.


Are you ready for wealth?

Some people make money look easy. Making it, keeping it, growing it. Maybe they simply don't have any hidden shame, guilt or blocks for having money? When your subconscious is on your side you too can be one of those people.


Is it time to call in your soul mate?

You've done the work on yourself and you're ready for love. So where is it? Maybe there's still part of you not quite ready to accept your best life partner? Let's change that together.


Has 'positive thinking' left you in the negative still?

Affirmations are a great tool but when combined with healing frequencies and visualisations the subconscious reprogramming goes much deeper.


Would you like a new job?

Follow your bliss, they say. And I agree. But how do you FIND your bliss if you've never known it? Well, here's a secret...your subconscious KNOWS. And working together we can get it to tell you.


Is there anything you wish you could change?

What is one thing you'd like to change about yourself? What if making that change could be as easy as listening to a custom coaching audio program, once a day for 28 days?

Simple steps for empowering your dream life with healing frequencies

A FREE guide for you to manifest anything you want!

You say you want a certain thing, or to go to a certain place, or even to try a new way of living; a certain way you know will be good for you...BUT it doesn't happen. That's because your conscious mind is only responsible for about 5% of your life. The rest of your life, a whopping 95%, is controlled by your subconscious. Until you take control back.

This FREE guide book shows you how to take control of your subconscious mind and be the master of your life.

Completely empower your mind to create and experience your dream life now with your own P.A.T.H. (Personalised Affirmations Theta Hypnosis)

"I’m absolutely thrilled with my recording!"

"Your life will change overnight"

"This has been the best thing I've done in years."

"Things that used to overwhelm me

no longer disempower me. ”

"If I had to name a breakthrough it would be that I stopped everything and took care of myself.”

"I’m believing in myself more and more. It’s possible now, where as it seemed to be a distant dream before. Thank you so much.”

“I have been listening each evening and have had good changes in my everyday life – without me thinking about it, it just seems to be unfolding naturally—how awesome is that!”

"Also, my sugar cravings have drastically decreased and I have no desire for alcohol. I'm doing many things that are just making me feel good. I'm so happy how effortless things are shifting in my life. "

Access 97% more power of your mind!

Hi! I'm Ben...

...and I'm here to help you get where you're going by amplifying the empowered thoughts, words and actions you already think, say and do.

You've got the vision and the power within; I'm simply here to focus the light on how amazing you already are—and how bright your future is.

I'm a mindset coach, musician, yoga practitioner and father. In 2020 I qualified as a Freedom From Self Sabotage coach, with a focus on empowering the subconscious mind.

Everything I've learned and all my skills have given me a unique formula for empowering transformations. My heart goes into producing each personal coaching recording and it is my honour to serve in this way.

Any questions please reach out to me anytime at ben (at) grant-empowerment.com

Ben Grant Mitchell Empowerment

Subconscious re-programming

Whether you are here for your own P.A.T.H. custom coaching recording or you'd like to take my course (Empower Your Ultimate Path), or you are wanting one-on-one coaching, everything I offer, including the affirmation + frequency work, is focussed on harnessing the power of your subconscious mind which is responsible for 93-97% of our lives.

P.A.T.H. = Personalised Affirmations Theta Hypnosis!

You can choose to create your own P.A.T.H. (by doing the Empower Your Ultimate Path COURSE) or if you prefer you can let me create your custom coaching recording. Either way the benefits of subconscious programming with a personalised affirmations theta hypnosis (P.A.T.H.) are 100% supported by science.

Affirmations + Frequencies = Raised Vibration

Because the subconscious mind learns through REPETITION, personalised affirmations, combined with special frequencies which energise and enliven our energy centres, are my speciality for creating unique transformational coaching experiences for my clients.

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