Is weight loss all in the mind?

Is weight loss all in the mind? Is weight loss all in the mind? Louise thinks so! Louise Hay was a self-help pioneer, who overcame a challenging early life of abuse and hardship. She became an influential author, speaker, and founder of Hay House, a publishing company dedicated to personal growth and self-help. Louise’s most …

Listening To This Cured My Psoriasis

Listening To This Cured My Psoriasis It still makes me emotional. Looking at photos from when psoriasis was a big issue in my life.  The first time I knew there was anything ‘wrong’ with my skin I was a young actor filming my first big TV commercial when the director yelled out in front of …

The 4 Frequencies for Wealth Creation

The 4 Frequencies for Wealth Creation Do you ever feel funny about money? Like you would like more money but also have mental or emotional blocks about receiving more? Maybe you worry if you did have multi-millions of dollars how would you manage it? Would people try and take advantage of you? These type of …

How I Transformed My Life With My Subconscious

How I Transformed My Life With My Subconscious What’s your next transformation going to be? To me, enjoying life means balancing constantly improving with total acceptance for where I am now—and loving it all. And my journey to being a sound empowerment and freedom from self-sabotage coach has brought my own transformations. Each of these …

The Number One Mistake Writing Affirmations

The Number 1 Mistake Writing Affirmations Since an affirmation is meant to be a statement of fact in the present tense what is the number 1 mistake people make writing affirmations? Glad you asked. They write them in the future tense. An affirmation that uses words like ‘will’ or perhaps worse still, ‘should’, places the …

The Frequency of Love

The Frequency of Love What is the sound of love expressed? Do you know the frequency of expressed love? Not just feeling love, but letting that love out? Well, have you heard a Nepalese Singing Bowl? It has been said the sound of my Nepalese Singing Bowl IS the sound of love expressed. And it …