NURSE says ‘NO!’ To Blackmail

Nurse says ‘NO!’ to Blackmail! Be inspired by Corrie Bignell. She is a Canadian nurse who said ‘no’ to blackmail and ‘yes’ to Nicaragua. In this video meet Corrie Bignell and be inspired by a single mother’s heroic journey from dedicated (workaholic!) nurse in the Canadian medical establishment to a freedom loving self-empowerment coach living …

The 4 Frequencies for Wealth Creation

The 4 Frequencies for Wealth Creation Do you ever feel funny about money? Like you would like more money but also have mental or emotional blocks about receiving more? Maybe you worry if you did have multi-millions of dollars how would you manage it? Would people try and take advantage of you? These type of …

How To Walk Your Wealth Path

How To Walk Your Wealth Path What is the most important part about being wealthy? The ‘being’. It’s not the wealthy part—though that helps, sure—it’s the being part. Being wealthy is about your identity; how you see yourself. It’s about how wealthy you feel. It’s about the rich state of mind you have, no matter …

A story of abundance and instant manifestation

A story of abundance and instant manifestation 90 Second Read This morning I noticed the sun was shining so I decided to have my breakfast outside. And as I sat on this chair and I looked at everything around me I became conscious of grounding myself, connecting with the earth. Before breakfast I’d been thinking …