Experience your perfect weight now!

What's better than losing weight?

Letting it go—and KEEPING it off!

That's why the best way to your perfect weight now is your subconscious...

With so many amazing testimonials coming in from people who have experienced life-changing weight-loss simply from listening to the My Perfect Weight Now binaural affirmation meditations I have now created an exclusive 6-Week 'My Perfect Weight Now' program.

This is a SUPER easy to complete program which has proven to have lasting results—and you are guided every step of the way.

Effortless weight loss?

Yes, it IS possible.

By including Theta Waves, Delta Waves, Binaural Beats and special 'weight loss' healing frequencies your My Perfect Weight Now B.A.M. (Binaural Affirmations Meditation) powerfully enhances your subconscious AND conscious mind with a positive mindset about your body, diet and exercise.

And your perfect weight happens without struggle.

Experts have told us that a whopping 95%-97% of our behaviour is controlled by the subconscious.

Your subconscious mind has been conditioned since childhood to hold certain beliefs about what is safest and 'normal' for you: often, to be overweight and feel bad about yourself.

But normal isn't always natural. And through positive repetition these recordings help you naturally experience your perfect weight now by swapping disempowering subconscious self-beliefs with totally empowering thoughts and feelings.

Weight Loss frequencies + binaural beats + affirmations = physical transformation!

This recordings are so helpful because in our daily life the subconscious mind is in control of up to 97% of our behaviour!! That includes our habitual eating and exercise (or not!) behaviours. Listening to positive weight and health affirmations is a proven way to invite positive change into your life now.

Weight Loss technologies

The amazing benefits of these audio coachings is that they includes all these technologies in one: the binaural beats, brain wave frequencies, healing frequencies and positive affirmations. These combine together to supercharge weight loss and laser focus the mind on total self-acceptance and on being ‘my perfect weight now’.

Positive Subconscious Transformation

Positive affirmations work on our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between ‘imagined’ or fictional reality and ‘actual’ reality. By repetition, and concentrating our feelings on the affirmation, the subconscious mind adopts new empowering thoughts and beliefs as fact.

Bonus subliminal version and more...

This SPECIAL introductory offer includes 2 X 60 minute bonus recordings of a 'mix-tape' version which includes all 3 individual frequencies, one after the other, AND a subliminal version—with the affirmations at a low level only the subconscious mind perceives—as well.

Easily stop emotional eating now!

Turn your hunger switch OFF!

End sugar and alcohol cravings with ease!

Why are these coaching recordings so special?

The words we use to describe our feelings, and our selves create the blueprint our subconscious mind brings to life. As Louise Hay used to say, "..the only diet that does work is a mental diet — dieting from negative thoughts."

These recordings empower your positive self-talk and self-image with feelings of self-love and self-acceptance; and the positive changes to your physical self happen naturally. And stick!


LET GO of weight without struggle*.

* We don't say 'weight loss'!—because the mind has a tendency to find what it 'loses'.


Empower POSITIVE physical change at the mental/emotional level


Includes SELF-LOVE, SELF-ACCEPTANCE affirmations and visualisations


'WEIGHT LOSS' frequencies of 285Hz, 396Hz (Root Chakra) and 639Hz (Heart Chakra)


Delta and Theta wave binaural beat enhance mind's ability to adopt new empowering beliefs


Super easy to complete program, with loads of support material, which empowers lasting change at a subconscious level.

6 Weeks To Your Perfect Weight Now!

What’s different about this program is that you will have it forever. Even after you finish the 6-weeks you get to keep the guided ‘letting go of weight’ custom coaching recordings as high quality mp3s.

This way you have them to listen to whenever you feel like it.

As you continue your self-empowered journey of living your best life now.


After one of my clients shared about losing 10kgs in 10 days I was inspired to do the program myself with the other members and surprised myself with letting go of 7kgs in just 7 days!

Listening to the BAMs everyday inspired me to change my diet, exercise more and stop comfort eating (which had creeped back into my life more than I wanted to admit).

Now I'm excited to see what the next 5 weeks brings as I continue the program while supporting all the members doing it too.

Ben Grant Mitchell

Coach and creator of BAMs (Binaural Affirmation Meditations) and PATHs (Personalised Affirmations Theta Hypnosis)


✅ All 6 high quality mp3 downloads — over 3 hours of empowering audio ($600 VALUE) — to keep forever PLUS

✅ Private one-on-one coaching call to support your weight loss LETTING GO transformation ($500 VALUE) PLUS...

✅ Complete access to the My Perfect Weight Now 6-Week Program ($1200 VALUE) PLUS...

✅ 5 BONUS Programs for health, workouts, sleep, self-concept and more ($1300VALUE) PLUS...

✅ BONUS access to The Fortune Frequency Forum (includes courses VALUED over $2222

OVER $5,800 VALUE...

for only $1200 (Australian Dollars)!!!


$600 ONLY

FREE guide! Master your subconscious with healing frequencies