EXCLUSIVE Coaches Collection

B.A.M. = Proven Success!

Binaural Affirmation Meditations includes scientifically proven healing frequencies.

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You choose what's best for your client...

Add cutting edge binaural affirmation meditations to your coaching offer!

You are a unique coach.

No matter what modality you work in, it is your sensitivity to your client's needs, and your choices in empowering your client to meet those needs, which makes you you.S

So being on the cutting edge of technologies proven to help improve adoption of new empowering ideas and habits is natural for you.

As is you wanting to give your client every advantage you have access to, to empower them to be their best self.

That's where this Coaches Collection of 24 guided healing frequency meditations comes in.

These B.A.M.s (binaural affirmation meditations) include scientifically proven frequencies to physically heal, mentally enhance, and emotionally empower.

And the complete bundle can be yours to own forever and share with your clients, as a massive value add to your current offer.

As a coach you know your client's needs are generally for better...


Does your client want to get fit or lose weight?

I did. Even though I never really thought of myself as fat. But, you know, life. And nothing worked for me until I started listening to subconscious re-programming audio with healing frequencies—which now works wonders for my clients, and will for yours too!


Is your client ready for wealth?

Some people make money look easy. Making it, keeping it, growing it. Maybe they simply don't have any hidden shame, guilt or blocks for having money? When your client's subconscious is on their 'side' they too will be one of those people.


How can you help your client feel worthy?

On your journey to become a coach you've done the work on yourself—and now you're helping your clients change they way they see themselves too. Use the BAMs to help reinforce a NEW, empowering self-concept for your clients.


To love and be love in return...

Starting each day with a reminder of the power within, to create anything your client wishes, is easy with these custom coaching recordings. Your client will thank you for introducing you to a new way to connect with a life of deeper meaning, every day.

Find your fortune frequency

Health boosting recordings

Included in your Coaching Collection is 6 custom created 'Health' BAMs.

Featuring the healing frequencies which empower letting go of pain, physical regeneration, feelings of grounding and security, as well as confidence and empowerment to inspire your client to step into their most empowered healthy state now!

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A unique 'value add' like no other!

Wealth for you and your clients!

You already have great success in helping your clients move into their most abundant lives. With these specially created frequency recordings, with guided affirmations and visualisations for wealth and abundance, you will empower your clients to even greater levels of financial success.

And that will, of course, bring you even more too!

We've got a surprise for you!

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This collection is yours to re-sell as part of your coaching offers (I just ask that you please don't re-sell the files separately)

Confidence for clients!

At the most basic level all coaching is about confidence, right? When you believe in yourself—when you KNOW you have the power to create your life exactly how you choose, you get up and go create.

Every day becomes an opportunity rather than an obligation.

Every day becomes a chance to make this life the best life.

Every day becomes a gift, which your client appreciates more and more, the more they listen to the special meditations you prescribe for them, based on what you know they most need, and will benefit from.

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Your clients will thank you for introducing them to this scientifically proven form of 'hypnation' (hypnosis/meditation)

Purpose and power for your clients!

Knowing why you are here and what you need to do next is such a liberating and empowering state to be in. And with these BONUS BAMs your client can begin each day by Winning The Day—with an empowered mindset of purpose and power.

The physical healing and chakra healing BAMs are perfect for your client to breakthrough any limitations in the mind which may be manifesting in the physical and energetic body.

We've got a surprise for you!

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Learn as you coach about brain wave frequencies

Comes with easy to follow guide

Included with this special Coaches Collection is a simple guide booklet which helps you choose the perfect BAM for your client's current needs.

By applying scientifically based associations with particular brain wave activity, you will be sure to choose the most actively empowering custom recording to help your client the most, easily, quickly and in a totally unique way.

We've got a surprise for you!

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This is what your client will experience...

Growing the good. Focussing on what is working. Bringing the power of consciousness to the subconscious mind.

This is the power of a BAM.

Close your eyes and listen.

By giving yourself 30 minutes of surrender your infinite creativity comes alive!

"I am lazer focused!"

"Your life will change overnight"

"This has been the best thing I've done in years."

"Things that used to overwhelm me

no longer disempower me. ”

"If I had to name a breakthrough it would be that I stopped everything and took care of myself.”

"Also, my sugar cravings have drastically decreased and I have no desire for alcohol. I'm doing many things that are just making me feel good. I'm so happy how effortless things are shifting in my life. "

"639 Hz love frequency is really helping me.”

“I have been listening each evening and have had good changes in my everyday life – without me thinking about it, it just seems to be unfolding naturally—how awesome is that!”

24 custom coaching BAMs (binaural affirmation meditations) with healing frequencies + best use guide ($4000 VALUE) for ONLY

$2000 (Australian Dollars)

Hi! I'm Ben...

...and I'm here to help you get where you're going by amplifying the empowered thoughts, words and actions you already think, say and do.

You've got the vision and the power within; I'm simply here to focus the light on how amazing you already are—and how bright your future is.

I'm a mindset coach, musician, yoga practitioner and father. In 2020 I qualified as a Freedom From Self Sabotage coach, with a focus on empowering the subconscious mind.

Everything I've learned and all my skills have given me a unique formula for empowering transformations. My heart goes into producing each coaching recording and it is my honour to serve in this way.

Any questions please reach out to me anytime at ben (at) grant-empowerment.com