Your perfect!

Welcome to My Perfect Body Now, a 28-day program of listening once a day to transform your deeply held thoughts and beliefs about your body—which changes how you FEEL, how you ACT and how you LOOK for the better now!

Experience your perfect body now!

YOU might be like I was before I created My Perfect Body Now, wanting to feel better about your body.

And knowing if you lost some weight and got even a bit healthier you’d enjoy life more and feel better about yourself.

And maybe, like me, you’ve experienced a recurring situation where you do LOSE weight but then you FIND it again?

Or you DO get fit BUT then you get LAZY again?

As one of my heroes in the self-empowerment movement, Louise Hay used to say, The PROBLEM isn’t the EATING or the LACK OF EXERCISE, the problem is the EMOTIONS, and, truthfully, your level of self-esteem.


Because when you totally love yourself you naturally NOURISH YOURSELF and EXERCISE in ways that are enjoyable and easily maintainable for YOU.

You might TELL YOURSELF that you WILL love yourself when you LOSE a certain amount of weight OR when you can lift a CERTAIN amount of weight at the gym, BUT the reality is you need to find a way to love yourself RIGHT NOW. 

To accept that you already have your perfect body.

You have your perfect body now.

And you have created THIS perfect body with your thoughts, words, feelings and choices and you can create a new body with NEW thoughts, NEW feelings and NEW CHOICES.

And both are perfect.

Where you are now AND where you are going.

So the question then is HOW DO YOU CREATE THOSE FEELINGS OF SELF ACCEPTANCE AND SELF LOVE, how do you get into the beautiful FEELINGS of experiencing YOUR PERFECT BODY NOW?

The ANSWER is to EMPOWER your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND through repetition AND binaural beats with healing frequencies.

By listening to POSITIVE, SELF-AFFIRMING thoughts, which become new beliefs, you transform your SELF-ACCEPTANCE and SELF-LOVE at a deep level.

When you do that your NEW choices reflect that NEW level of SELF-LOVE.

So instead of approaching weight loss and fitness from a point of view of LACK and what is missing, you come to it with an attitude of gratitude for what IS working, for what you DO like and love about yourself right now.

The audio recordings in this program are especially designed to clear blockages in your chakra energy systems, while the theta wave binaural beats are proven to enhance the subconscious mind’s ability to adopt new empowering beliefs—beliefs about your perfect body now.

Because wherever you are on your journey of living vibrant health you DO have your perfect body now, even as you are changing for the better.

This program reminds you of that.

And in just 28 days of listening once a day you will FEEL the feelings of your perfect body now.


Experience weight loss frequencies

The audio programs include frequencies which activate the energy centres associated with weight loss and muscle building, including the root chakra (285Hz, 396Hz), solar plexus (528Hz) and the heart chakra (639Hz (heart ).


Perfect weight = perfect body

Effortlessly form new healthy habits as you listen once a day to the audio programs, each assigned to each day of the 28-day program.


Easily END emotional eating

Because these audio programs fill you up with empowering thoughts you easily let go of old, disempowering coping habits.


Let go of your cravings...

Sugar and alcohol are poisons. You know that. And now you are ready to move on from poisoning yourself a whole new world is about to open up: a world of self-nurturing to a level you've always deserved but are finally allowing yourself.


Feel great with frequencies

The binaural beats entrain your subconscious mind to absorb the positive affirmations at a deeper level than normal meditation recordings. Get ready for a new level of self-belief, self-acceptance and self-love.


I lost 10kgs in 3 weeks!

Listening to the BAMs everyday inspired me to change my diet, exercise more and stop comfort eating (which had creeped back into my life more than I wanted to admit).

And I'm going to keep listening too because I love my new body so much!

Ben Grant Mitchell

Coach and creator of My Perfect Body Now program

Why are these coaching recordings so special?

The words we use to describe our feelings, and our selves create the blueprint our subconscious mind brings to life. As Louise Hay used to say, "..the only diet that does work is a mental diet — dieting from negative thoughts."

These recordings empower your positive self-talk and self-image with feelings of self-love and self-acceptance; and the positive changes to your physical self happen naturally. And stick!


LET GO of weight without struggle*.

* We don't say 'weight loss'!—because the mind has a tendency to find what it 'loses'.


Empower POSITIVE physical change at the mental/emotional level


Includes SELF-LOVE, SELF-ACCEPTANCE affirmations and visualisations


'WEIGHT LOSS' frequencies of 285Hz, 396Hz (Root Chakra) and 639Hz (Heart Chakra)


Delta and Theta wave binaural beat enhance mind's ability to adopt new empowering beliefs


Super easy to complete program, with loads of support material, which empowers lasting change at a subconscious level.

BONUS - LIVE guided meditations

A special BONUS included in this program is 3 LIVE guided meditations each week ($600 VALUE). Tune into a Zoom, sit back, close your eyes and relax as you are guided into an empowered state of healing and motivation, rooted in deep feelings of self-acceptance and self-love.

BONUS - Workout Motivation BAMs

When you join My Perfect Body Now this month you also get the full WORKOUT BAM bundle ($300 VALUE) included. Take your workouts to the next level with these motivational binaural affirmation meditations designed to be listened to while you exercise.

BONUS - 12 Archetypes Healing BAMs

When you join My Perfect Body Now this month you also get the full 12 ARCHETYPES HEALING BAM bundle ($600 VALUE) included. These SPECIAL BAMs empower THE SEEKER within, your inner WARRIOR, and all 12 of the classic archetypes which each have a unique role to play in the expression of your perfect body and perfect health.

BONUS - All support material

All support material is included, making it super easy for you to complete the 28-day program by marking off each day as you go.

BONUS - Full Access for ONE YEAR!

As a SPECIAL introductory bonus offer you can do the program as many times as you like for a FULL YEAR. PLUS you can download and keep the nutrition/weight-loss frequency mp3s and keep forever. This is INCREDIBLE value!!

BONUS - access to The Fortune Frequency Forum

Your program includes FREE access to The Fortune Frequency Forum (on Skool) with healing frequency meditations, and bonus programs to experience how healing frequencies with guided meditations can empower every aspect of your life.

SPECIAL OFFER this month!

For a LIMITED time ONLY get...

✅ All 6 high quality weight & nutrition mp3 downloads — over 3 hours of empowering audio ($600 VALUE) — to keep forever PLUS...

✅ BONUS '12 Perfect Body Archetypes', program for empowering inner archetypes 6 hours of empowering audio

($600+ VALUE)

✅ BONUS 'My Workout BAMs', programs for motivating workouts ($300+ VALUE)

✅ BONUS guided healing frequency LIVE meditations on Zoom ($600+ VALUE)

✅ Private one-on-one coaching call to support your physical transformation ($500 VALUE) PLUS...

✅ BONUS access to The Fortune Frequency Forum (includes courses VALUED over $2222)

OVER $4,800 VALUE...for only $1,200 (Australian Dollars)!!!




$600 ONLY (Australian Dollars = approx $400USD)