...you're only a step away from having your own custom coaching audio to supercharge your subconscious mind anytime you like!
Your P.A.T.H. recording entrains and opens the subconscious mind, and creates the best possible environment for the new, empowering beliefs expressed in your custom written coaching script of affirmations and visualisations, to take hold and empower your magnificent transformation.
Your next step is to fill in the P.A.T.H. questionnaire below.
Or if you'd rather you can download either the Word or Pages document below. Or you can download the pdf and send me an email with your answers in the body of the email. Whatever you prefer.
Once you have completed and submitted the P.A.T.H. questionnaire I will email you to book in our video chat session.
That call is a great chance for us to go deeper into any areas of the questionnaire you feel like exploring more, or including anything in your P.A.T.H. you might like to add.
If you have any questions please email ben @ grant-empowerment.com