How To Walk Your Wealth Path

How To Walk Your Wealth Path

What is the most important part about being wealthy?

The ‘being’.

It’s not the wealthy part—though that helps, sure—it’s the being part.

Being wealthy is about your identity; how you see yourself. It’s about how wealthy you feel. It’s about the rich state of mind you have, no matter what’s happening on the stock market, or in real estate or with cryptocurrency.

Because you’ve only got to watch a couple of Gary Vee TikToks to know that even billionaires can be poor. Even people with LOADS of money can live tight, miserly and miserable lives.

And conversely, even people who aren’t ‘cash rich’ or have a property portfolio to speak of can be overflowing with riches: rich in joy, rich in fun, rich in energy, compassion, love and the quality which really shapes your being: gratitude.

Are you being grateful for what you have already?

Are you giving thanks every day for your great bounty: so much more than so many, no matter who you are.

Yes, there are always those with more but there are also those with less.

So why compare yourself to anyone that makes you feel ungrateful?

If you must compare why not compare yourself to those with less, much less? Then you will be re-minded of how much you have—and how much you have to be grateful for.

Walking the path of great wealth is to be grateful for every step. Every breath and every second alive.

Because there is no greater bankruptcy than being bankrupt of gratitude.

And there is no greater wealth than feeling grateful for what you have.

Right now.

“Because there is no greater bankruptcy than being bankrupt of gratitude. And there is no greater wealth than feeling grateful for what you have.”

Ben Grant Mitchell

5 Tips For Abundance

And if you’re feeling grateful and blessed already but are still keen to boost your coffers with cash, here are 5 tips for abundance; even MORE abundance!

1) Be grateful for what you have.

Gratitude is THE attitude for all things good, and you know that for sure. You can even write a list—daily if you like: what are 5 things you are grateful for? Your health? Your relationship? Your children? Your parents? And the physical things too: the roof over your head, your car, your clothes, your Fender Stratocaster electric guitar—how much do you have to be grateful for right now?

2) Create your investment portfolio.

Having a portfolio isn’t just for billionaires or property tycoons. You can have one too. When I first started focussing on killing off any poverty mindset and nurturing an abundance mentality I decided to create a portfolio document. At the time we’d just bought our first block of land, a small, overgrown property in the country that I loved clearing and spending time on so much. In my first ever portfolio document I put a heading for PROPERTY and listed our block of land under it. Then I went through all our BANK ACCOUNTS, any jewellery or VALUABLE ITEMS we owned, and my MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and basically everything that I had at that moment, and came up with a heading before listing it all. This simple exercise was a powerful re-frame for my financial identity: suddenly I was someone with my own investment portfolio.

3) Be happy for others financial success.

Years ago a coach of mine told me that the good thing about jealousy is it shows us what we want. So, instead of being jealous of others wealth try and plug into the feeling that whatever someone else has you can have too. Not by stealing it (!) but by creating it from your own infinite creative potential. Be happy for others.

4) Fall in love with wealth.

Think of all the good things you already do with money. Think of the gifts you give, the holidays and experiences you share. Think about all the reasons you love being wealthy and sharing your wealth. Poverty of itself is not noble, nor is being rich. But you can use your wealth to bring more joy and fun and light into the world. If you choose.

5) Feel rich now.

Ultimately being rich is feeling rich. And you can FEEL rich without a penny in your pocket. You can FEEL rich by closing your eyes, breathing in deeply and remembering a time you felt totally abundant. Maybe you received a surprise cash gift from a relative? Maybe you scored your best paying client ever? Maybe you won the lotto?!

Or maybe you went for a bush walk and connected so deeply with nature that you felt a part of all that is and, knowing this truth—that you ARE part of all that is—you felt the truth of your infinite abundance.

What a wonderful feeling it is.