Step into a life of clarity, confidence, and success with guided meditations that work—wonders!

All in one!

Why Choose Empowered Now?

In a world overflowing with apps that do one thing well, Empowered Now is your all-in-one powerhouse for mind, body, and soul transformation. Instead of juggling multiple subscriptions for hypnotherapy, affirmations, binaural beats, or guided meditations, you get it all in one place—tailored to your needs and goals.

Unlike other apps and memberships that focus on just weight loss or only quitting habits, we understand that empowerment is about the whole you. Whether you’re manifesting abundance, healing relationships, reaching your fitness goals, or building unshakable self-confidence, we have exactly what you need.

Scientifically proven frequencies

What You’ll Get as a Member

🌟 Hypnotic Guided Meditations

Expertly crafted B.A.M.s (binaural affirmation meditations) that reprogram your subconscious and align you with success in health, wealth, love, weight loss, fitness, parenting, and more.

🎧 Binaural Beats & Healing Frequencies

Tap into the power of sound healing with frequencies scientifically proven to promote relaxation, clarity, and energetic balance.

💡 Custom Affirmations

Daily affirmations woven into your guided meditations proven to reinforce positive beliefs and boost self-confidence.

🌀 A Holistic Experience

Feel supported in every area of your life—because true empowerment isn’t just about one goal, it’s about thriving on every level.

Scientifically proven frequencies

How is a B.A.M. different to other guided meditations?

A B.A.M. is a 'Binaural Affirmations Meditation', guided meditation with visualisations, affirmations and prompts to bring your mind into the most creative state possible. Special frequencies entrain the brain to specific brain wave states, to enhance your natural ability to adopt new empowering beliefs.

Binaural beats have been proven to reduce anxiety, stress, and negative mental states while having a positive effect on memory, mood, creativity and our ability to focus attention. They are also known to enhance 'access' to the subconscious mind.

Unique Point of Difference

The unique point of difference with the binaural affirmation meditations only available in the Empowered Now private membership is the inclusion of one or more of The Ten Healing Frequencies.

You may have heard of the 9 solfeggio frequencies and/or 432Hz? Together these make the ten ancient sounds known for their healing qualities and for their power to clear blockages and energise the major energy centres.

Many people report experiencing profound benefits including pain relief, physical healing, emotional balance and even spiritual revelations from listening to The Ten Healing Frequencies.

Do you want......more love?

As you listen you will grow feelings of worthiness and self acceptance and experience more love by feeling the love. Are you ready for your soul mate? Join today.

Could you have......more health?

Being empowered now isn't just about feeling vibrant and energised, members have effortlessly lost weight too from listening to these guided meditations.

Would you like......more wealth?

When the subconscious expects the best YOU get the best. And that includes money and abundance in all things. Listening to these meditations will help you break through to new levels of wealth.

Do you still dream?

For a better life? 

A slimmer body?

A nicer home?

A holiday to somewhere over the rainbow?

You know you do.

But sometimes it feels like the dreams are slipping away, right?
That's when regular listening to uplifting guided meditations, with healing frequencies and powerful visualisations can bring your dreams back to life.
And you can be Empowered Now.

Empowered Now is perfect for you if ...

You are REALLY ready to improve your life
You are WILLING to let go of stress and worry now
You want better health today!
You feel called for a life of more calm and clarity
You want to empower your future without getting bogged down in the past
You are ready to manifest your deepest desires
You are ready to master your mind

...and it's probably not for you if you...

expect different results without doing something new
aren't willing to listen regularly to your guided meditations
don't want improved mental, physical and emotional health
don't believe the power of your subconscious mind to create 95% of your life
aren't ready to move on from your past
aren't ready to stop self-sabotage
aren't ready to master your manifesting

Becoming a Master Manifester just got easier.

Experience massive personal transformation without digging up the wounds of your past

Ancestral trauma? Repressed memories? The subconscious is definitely capable of hiding away shadows from our past.

And while it can be helpful sometimes to look to your past to see why you might sometimes second guess yourself, or even sabotage your own success, it's also easy to get stuck 'back there', working through it all.

When the truth is, to manifest any NEW experience we simply need to believe what we desire is possible, see it, repeat it as already experienced and FEEL it as already here.

With Empowered Now we focus on what you can do here, today, now, to manifest your best relationships, your best health, your best wealth and your best life ever.

Diverse Topics...

Diverse Topics: From health and fitness to love and parenting, our library covers every facet of your life journey so you can empower whatever you need to WHEN you need to.

Science and spirituality...

Scientifically Backed Techniques: Our meditations integrate cutting-edge neuroscience with ancient healing practices for maximum impact.

Your B.A.M. experience...

Listen to this short example of a B.A.M. (binaural affirmations meditation) with healing frequencies. Best experienced with headphones.

Why choose Empowered Now?

Because you are ready to get what you want NOW!

Because you are ready to FEEL empowered NOW!

Because your are ready for the best NOW!


  1. As you listen you will learn which healing frequencies and brain wave binaural beats you respond best to by experiencing new ones, simply explained each month.


2. You will overcome self-limiting and self-sabotage behaviours once and for all by making regular meditation (guided with healing frequencies) a part of your well-being practice.


3. Studies have proven the healing brain wave frequencies and binaural beats included in the B.A.M.s can lower the heart rate, improve sleep, decrease anxiety and stress levels, as well as lowering cortisol levels (the fat/anxiety hormone).


4. Get the tools, motivation and regular encouragement to make listening to guided meditations a regular part of your well being practice. Because doing so will transform everything for you in massive, magnificent ways.


5. Your Empowered Now membership gives you BONUS full access to new audio programs within The Fortune Frequency Forum, making it super convenient to listen anytime, wherever you are.


6. Regular LIVE guided binaural affirmation meditations, MASTERCLASSES and COACHING CATCH UPS are all included in your membership. And remember you can cancel anytime!

Check out what Empowered Now members say about the BAMs (binaural affirmation meditation) recordings...

"Oh my goodness—the chakra meditation. I feel like I was in another realm; the deepest meditation I have had in a while"

Empowered Now member


"I listened for the first time to the Yoga Nidra BAM and the profound relaxation I felt afterwards was amazing. Even the next day...I still could feel the total relaxation. So beyond grateful for this one. Thank you, Ben Grant Mitchell."

Empowered Now member


"That Money BAM works. Not only in receiving money, but also in my attitude of sharing, and respecting money...being mindful."

Empowered Now member


Skool Community and App

BONUS: Includes extra healing frequencies...

Your membership of Empowered Now comes with a BONUS of full access to The Fortune Frequency Forum where you get access to extra healing frequency videos and audio, and much more inspirational/educational content.

The courses in this forum alone are valued at over $2,000 (as sold via Grant Empowerment Coaching), and a lifetime's subscription to the forum is included with your Empowered Now membership.

Listen how and when you prefer

Love for the 'Lives'!

A handful of the wonderful post- LIVE MEDITATION quotes..

“Healing at the deepest level. Thank you, Ben”

“Thank you, Ben for another powerful meditation.”

“Just coming back to earth. What a great way to being the day.”

Join in these LIVE guided meditations whenever you like, from wherever you are, and be instantly rejuvenated.

Listen how and when you prefer


Your membership of Empowered Now gives you access to multiple exclusive LIVE guided meditations every week, to support you in manifesting any goal you want, healing emotional issues and creating empowering feelings of calm, clarity and peace.

Guided by B.A.M. creator, Ben Grant Mitchell, these special meditations are also included in the group as studio recordings, so you can listen again and again.

Whether you prefer to enjoy the live B.A.M.s or the recorded versions, or a mixture of both, you have the choice to meet your needs and preferences, depending on how you are feeling on any particular day.

7 Day Program For Empowered Relationships

BONUS - 7 Day Empowered Relationships program

Included in your Empowered Now membership is a special BONUS of this easy to complete 7-day program empowering you to go to new levels of deep self-love, a magnificent love which then radiates out from you everywhere you go, all the time!

And the more love you feel within the more love you attract. (VALUE $300)

Smash through subconscious money blocks forever!

BONUS - 10 Day Worthy of Wealth program

Included in your Empowered Now membership is a special BONUS of this easy to complete 7-day program empowering you to go to new levels of deep self-love, a magnificent love which then radiates out from you everywhere you go, all the time!

And the more love you feel within the more love you attract. (VALUE $300)

Smash through subconscious money blocks forever!

BONUS - My Perfect Body Now program

Included in your Empowered Now membership THIS MONTH is a special BONUS of this easy to complete 28-day program empowering you to let go of extra weight by embracing total self-acceptance and self-love now!

And the more you love yourself—as you are now—the more you naturally eat well and exercise in ways you enjoy. And the more the weight simply drops off! (VALUE $750)

Smash through subconscious money blocks forever!

BONUS - My Workout BAMs

Included in your Empowered Now membership THIS MONTH is a special BONUS of the My Workout BAMs package.

Experience your best workout ever and go beyond any mental limitations of what you are capable of physically, and who you ARE physically. (VALUE $400)

Amazing offer to get you exactly what you want!

BONUS - Personalised Program

Included in your Empowered Now membership is a special BONUS of a personalised B.A.M. (binaural affirmation meditation) program created by Ben Grant Mitchell.

Get the perfect listening schedule to call in whatever transformation you seek. (VALUE $300)

Empowered Now membership gives you:

✅ A NEW B.A.M. each month (often each week!)

✅ 12+ Live GUIDED Binaural Affirmation Meditations each month

✅ 50+ Binaural Affirmation Meditations (VALUE $5400+)

✅ Private 'Fortune Frequency Forum' group access (VALUE $2222)

✅ 28 Day My Perfect Body Now (weight loss) Program (VALUE $750)

✅ 7 Day Relationship Program (VALUE $300)

✅ 10 Day Worthy of Wealth Program (VALUE $300)

✅ My Workout BAMs Program (VALUE $400)

✅ Personalised B.A.M. Program (VALUE $500)

✅ Exclusive Member Discounts on P.A.T.H. custom recordings (VALUE $600)

✅ and more...

Check out what Empowered Now members say about the LIVE guided meditations...

"I've had the pleasure of experiencing Ben’s Live Guided Meditations at least 2 times per week. They have become a part of my regular schedule self care, just as I eat, shower and workout everyday, so too do I listen to Ben’s meditation, either Live or recorded OR at times BOTH!

Ben's unique soothing voice sounds like how I would describe Gods voice, calm, caring but super powerful! I always leave each meditation feeling grounded and at peace. Ben's meditations and my P.A.T.H. are creating massive changes in my life!”

Corrie Bignell

Health and Mindset Coach

"The live guided meditation experience allows me to fully embrace and embody transformation through healing, love, empowerment, and connection. I get to let go, feel safe, meditate, and change my life! Powerful stuff! I love it!"

Angel Matthews


"These live meditations have changed my life for the better in so many ways. It's more than the healing frequencies and Ben's voice—which I love—it's knowing I am experiencing this healing time with others, all of us in different places around the world, sending ripples of love and compassion and healing out for all."

Pauli Anne

Frequency Mumma (Instagram)



Join Empowered Now this month and get full access to over $10,000 worth of guided frequency meditations and programs PLUS 12 LIVE guided meditations (Zoom) each month for

VIP $120 reduced to ONLY $60!!!

ONLY $60 per month

(= approx $38 US, cancel anytime)


(50% applies for duration of your membership)