Do affirmations even work?
Do affirmations even work?
Some people ask whether affirmations even work? To me that’s like asking if thoughts or words even work?
Do thoughts work at helping us imagine or create? Do words work at helping us describe or communicate our intentions, desires, hopes, dreams and plans?
Of course they do.
Our thoughts and words shape our lives—and that’s why affirmations work.
Because everything you think and say is an affirmation.
Now, sometimes those affirmations are unconscious and habitual and only serve to replicate, repeat and re-hash familiar experiences, whether those familiar experiences are good or bad.
But when we consciously use affirmations we begin to understand what our feelings are behind our thoughts.
And it’s those feelings which attract or repel whatever we want or don’t want.
We become aware of and begin to positively influence our sub-conscious mind; the part of the mind that is responsible for 95% of our actions.
So affirmations definitely work—when we work with them.
And, in a way, they work even when we don’t realise we’re using them.
The trick is to become totally aware that everything we think and everything we say is an affirmation.
Then we can choose what we think and say. Then we choose our lives.
We don’t just live life on repeat.
– Ben Grant Mitchell