Power Position Daily Prime

Power Position Daily Prime – How to Break Your Negative Thinking

Whether it’s a single thought or a seasonal funk, being able to pull ourselves out of a negative mindset is a valuable skill to have, right?

Maybe one of THE most valuable skills.

In this short video below Tony Robbins simply explains how by changing how we use our physical body, we can change our bio-chemistry—the chemicals in our body—to be more empowering.

The ‘Power Positions’ Tony discusses inspired me to create a NEW B.A.M. (binaural affirmations meditation) which goes for just 3 minutes.

By listening to this Daily Prime B.A.M. and holding the power position you will actually change the chemical composition of your body in line with the Harvard University study results which showed standing in a power position for just 2 minutes will:

Increase testosterone by 20%…

…drop the stress hormone cortisol by 22% and…

…make you 33% more likely to take action on your goals!

And you can have this powerful 3 minute meditation to activate all these positive powerful physiological changes today by clicking on the link below.

