Since an affirmation is meant to be a statement of fact in the present tense what is the number 1 mistake people make writing affirmations?
Glad you asked.
They write them in the future tense.
An affirmation that uses words like ‘will’ or perhaps worse still, ‘should’, places the affirmation in the future.
But the power of affirmations is in the present. The power of affirmations comes from accessing the deep knowing that all is possible (and is happening in the 'now') and that time is an illusion (or at least a construct which separates us from our natural omnipresence).
So instead of saying “I WILL have an abundance of money” try saying “I HAVE an abundance of money”.
Notice the difference?
The 'I WILL' affirmation accesses hope and striving while the 'I HAVE' affirmation, written in the present tense, accesses feelings of abundance immediately.
Saying ‘I will’ do something is reminiscent of empty promises; why should the subconscious believe a promise? Especially when the subconscious gets its power from an uncanny ability to seek out and find the proof to make a present tense statement true.
If you affirm “I have an abundance of money” the subconscious seeks the evidence that makes that true in your life NOW.
It looks into your memory to find that gold coin your Uncle gave you, you forgot you still had.
It reminds you of the cash you hoarded away into an envelope for a rainy day (even though the sun is shining today).
Your subconscious guides you to open up that ‘My Networth’ Word document you created when you were feeling particularly financially astute one day, which reminds you of the many assets you actually DO have, though sometimes take for granted.
I HAVE an abundance of money NOW.
The only time using “I will” in an affirmation might be of use is if someone has a bounty of mental blocks against doing affirmations; when someone has a REALLY, REALLY difficult time making positive statements in the present tense.
For someone with such blocks saying “I HAVE an abundance of money” might bring up a tsunami of internal objections and kind of defeat the purpose of doing the affirmation in the first place.
Perhaps, in this instance, saying “I WILL have an abundance of money” is a baby step towards reconditioning the mind to accept the possibility of abundance—sometime in the near (hopefully) future.
But otherwise, when writing affirmations, it’s always best to use the present tense. Your affirmations will have more power.
Pardon me…
‘Your affirmations have more power.’
So be it, so it is.