It's time to stop feeling unworthy of success and step into the wealthy life you deserve!

10 Days of Wealth Empowerment

You deserve to unlock your true financial potential...

Do you ever feel like wealth is just out of your reach?

Or do you ever have a feeling you don't deserve to be truly wealthy?

Many of us carry a deep-rooted belief that we're not worthy of abundance. This belief can hide beneath the surface, sabotaging our success and limiting our financial potential. But what if you could reprogram your mind to not just attract wealth but truly believe you *deserve* it?

💡 Introducing the **10 Days of Wealth Empowerment** 10-day course! 💡

This brand NEW program is designed to shift those limiting subconscious beliefs and empower you with a new mindset—one that embraces wealth as your birthright. Through daily subconscious reprogramming audios, infused with **binaural beats** and **healing frequencies**, you'll begin to dismantle the blocks that have kept you from financial freedom.

Here’s how it works:

- You’ll listen to a specially designed audio program each day.

- These sessions target your subconscious mind, where limiting beliefs about wealth are stored.

- Over 10 days, you’ll rewire your thoughts, raising your energetic frequency to match the wealth and success you desire.

- PLUS you’ll empower your conscious thoughts and beliefs about wealth with 10 easy to complete wealth paradigm exercises.

You deserve to be confident about money...

Binaural Beats

Scientifically proven to enhance learning

By entraining the mind into a super relaxed state binaural beats allow the coaching audio program to take hold deep in your subconscious mind. Without effort your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and wealth are transformed in empowering ways—for good!

Wealth Affirmations

Studies show positive words matter!

Some people make money look easy. Making it, keeping it, growing it. Maybe they simply don't have any hidden shame, guilt or blocks for having money? When your subconscious is on YOUR 'side' you too will be one of those people.

Wealth Leaders

Inspired by the very best...

The 10 Days of wealth reprogramming exercises are inspired by some of the world's most successful and popular new-thought leaders in wealth mindsets including Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Wallace D Wattles and Stuart Wilde.

Achievable Wealth Mindset

Start today and be done in 10!

How many times have you started a course and never finished it? We all have, right? This super easy to complete program packs all its transformative power into just ten days! And if you feel like doing it again anytime, you can!! Anytime.

You deserve to feel abundant always

Ready to claim the wealth waiting for you?

Join **10 Days of Wealth Empowerment** and unlock your true financial potential.

💰 Imagine the freedom and empowerment that comes with a wealth mindset! 💰

👉 **Start your journey today! Enroll below NOW** 👈

“That money BAM works. Not only in receiving money, but also in my attitude of sharing, and respecting money…being mindful.”

"I am lazer focused!"

"Your life will change overnight"

“I love the money program—I am more at ease and confident about money than ever!”

“I have been listening each evening and have had good changes in my everyday life – without me thinking about it, it just seems to be unfolding naturally—how awesome is that!”

It's time to stop feeling unworthy of success and step into the wealthy life you deserve with...

10 Days of Wealth Empowerment


✅ Mp3 + streamable audio program $120+ VALUE 💰

✅ 10 lessons with daily tasks and support material $300+ VALUE 💰

✅ Lifetime membership of The Fortune Frequency Forum $80+ VALUE (per year!) 💰

Ten Healing Frequencies course (VALUE $396) 💰

'Frequency Fix' course (VALUE $396) 💰

Personal coaching call with Ben (VALUE $500) 💰

TOTAL value of $1,792 for ONLY...





($39 Australian Dollars = approx $29USD)

Hi! I'm Ben...

...and I'm here to help you get where you're going by amplifying the empowered thoughts, words and actions you already think, say and do.

You've got the vision and the power within; I'm simply here to focus the light on how amazing you already are—and how bright your future is.

I'm the creator of Binaural Affirmation Meditations (B.A.M.Ss), and also the world's number one BAM guide, as well as a mindset coach, musician, yoga practitioner and father. In 2020 I qualified as a Freedom From Self Sabotage coach, with a focus on empowering the subconscious mind.

Everything I've learned and all my skills have given me a unique formula for empowering transformations. My heart goes into producing each coaching recording and program and it is my honour to serve in this way.

Any questions please reach out to me anytime at ben (at)