What would it feel like if today, 100 strangers told you how wonderful you are?
Imagine if the next 100 people you met looked into your eyes and recognised your courage, your sensitivity, your creativity and your compassion, and they told you what they could see.
And they told you to expect the best and that today is the best day of your life?
Strangers telling you in so many different ways, one at a time, how wonderful you are.
You could be on your way to work—maybe walking to the train station—and on the way 100 people come up to you, one at a time, and tell you, sincerely, what they each love about you.
“I love the way you are so thoughtful of others!”
“I love the way you always look on the bright side!”
“I love the way you stay focussed on creating your dream life every day!”
And they keep on telling you, one after the other, all these positive things about yourself.
How good would that feel!?
Now imagine the opposite.
Imagine having 100 people tell you what’s wrong with you.
Why you never succeed.
Why you’re destined to be alone.
Why you’re full of guilt, shame and so much self-loathing.
And the negativity keeps coming. One after the other.
The cruel truth is that’s pretty much EXACTLY what walking through the modern world can feel like sometimes. Especially to the subconscious mind which is absorbing everything we see and hear.
All the billboards and TV screens poking at our insecurities, spreading the cracks in our self-esteem wider and wider until they are caverns we unconsciously seek to fill with the newest advertised shiny thing or product perfectly placed in a movie.
Every NEWS flash, magazine article, promoted social media post and talk back radio biff-off, jam-packed with negative, fearful messaging are like a stranger whispering into your ear:…
“You’re in danger!” and “You’re not enough!” and a never ending cascade of lies dressed as good advice.
But it’s not good advice. It’s pure discouragement. In fact, to me this perpetually broadcast hostility is abuse.
Abuse by those who seek to control our behaviour by belittling and misleading us; the corporations and corporations posing as governments. Because these corporations understand very well the power of the subconscious mind.
They know how it works.
And they know how to work it.
The subconscious mind works by taking EVERYTHING in.
It absorbs all the information around us, in fulfilling its role of keeping us safe.
You see the main purpose of the subconscious mind is to keep us alive. And it does this by scanning the environment—taking in up to 80 or 90 million bits of information every second—and determining what the majority of people are doing. Then it drives us to do that, so we fit in with the group.
It doesn’t differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ behaviour, or even empowering or disempowering. The subconscious mind just wants to know one thing: what is the majority doing?
Let’s. Do. That.
The subconscious mind helps us survive childhood by imitation. It’s like a friend who is always looking out for us by nudging us to fit in with the gang. Before we develop our own sense of reason we find a place in our tribe by doing what that tribe does. Simple.
But when we grow up we learn to follow our own consciousness; to make choices for ourselves based on our values. That’s what we do, right?
Not really.
Most people’s lives, and most of their lives, are not shaped by conscious choices at all, but rather the subconscious.
They are governed by the subconscious mind. The childhood friend that may have helped once but is now sabotaging proper maturation, standing in the way of a mature, conscious life.
That is why so many people poison themselves (caffeine, alcohol, drugs, medical drugs) and think nothing of it.
"Everyone is doing it’!" they cry. "It would be illegal if it was bad for you."
That kind of thing.
So what’s the solution?
How do we become conscious of our subconscious programs, written and controlled as they are largely by forces which only seek to control us, not to liberate in any way?
The answer is two-fold:
Stop watching TV with drugs, alcohol and other poisons advertised 24/7, and product-placed in entertainment of all forms. Even the sports we watch normalise junk food and gambling in the background of the contests, with the advertising banners constantly streaming right into our subconscious mind.
Feeding positive reinforcement into your subconscious can be as easy as spending more time in nature, hanging with friends who make healthy choices, and watching and listening to only the most empowering television shows or movies; perhaps documentaries teaching you about the power of focussing purely on what you want to create in life.
And if you really want to nourish your subconscious mind you can create your own P.A.T.H.—a personalised affirmations theta hypnosis. This unique recording, created by you (when you do the Empower Your Ultimate Path course) or me (if you decide to get me to create Your PATH for you) is just like having 100+ friendly voices in your head, reminding you constantly that you are right on track, everything is working out perfectly, and you always expect and get the very best.
Life is good and there are so many more than 100 ways you are wonderful.